Josh's 2nd Birthday

2010 May 08

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Hello my darling Wend. Today is Joshua's 2nd birthday, his second birthday party without his loving Nana there to share it with him. At least you got to meet him darling and spend 7 months showering him with your love. You were such a special Nana darling. You felt you were complete with two lovely grandsons. I just know how much you would have wanted to be here to see them grow up darling. Ethan still remembers you darling, although he doesn't ask where his Nana is. He's still too young to understand. Although Josh won't remember his Nana, we will show him pictures of you and him together when he is older and he can read this site to discover what a beautiful, loving Nana he had. A Nana who absolutely adored both boys and would have done anything for them. We all miss you so much darling, even more so on these special occasions. There is always an empty seat at the table, and it reminds us what a gap there is in all our lives without you. I love and miss you so much darling and long for the day we will be reunited once again. Your loving husband, Ian XXXXXX
