Another lonely, empty day

2011 February 09

Created by Ian 14 years ago
These last few weeks since Christmas have been so empty and lonely darling. I am still waiting for the day when I don't cry any more Wend, but it is a long wait. I sat here listening to the radio yesterday and one of your favourite songs was played. As I listened to it, I realised how much the words meant to me. The song was by David Gates and Bread and called "I would give everything I own". You sheltered me from harm Kept me warm, Kept me warm You gave my life to me Set me free, Set me free The finest years I ever knew, We're all the years I had with you And I would give everything I own, Give up my life, my heart, my home I would give everything I own Just to have you back again. Those words are so true sweetheart. They were truly 'the finest years I ever knew' and I WOULD give anything 'just to have you back again'. But that is not going to happen darling and so I have to wait until I can come and be with you once again my darling girl. I love and miss you so much my Wend. My life and heart are so empty without you. Please stay close to me my darling. Your loving husband, Ian XXXX
