Hello again my darling Wend. Today is my 60th birthday and the 3rd birthday I must spend without you. I still remember my 50th birthday and what a special day you made it for me.
How could we have known that before our next milestone birthdays, you would be taken from us ? I got so many cards today sweetheart, but the most important one is no longer there, the card from you. Matt and Sarah made my day so special darling and I spent it with friends and family.
But it was always going to tinged with sorrow because the love of my life wasn't there to spend the day with me. I know you would be so proud of Matt and Sarah darling. They are a true legacy to you and I can see so much of you in them. I managed to smile today because I know that is what you would have wanted, but the tears still flow so easily darling. I love and miss you so much. My life is so empty now and I long for the day that God takes me home to you once again Wend. Then I shall be truly happy once more.
Please wait for me my darling girl. I love you.
Your loving husband, Ian XXXXXX