More tears today sweetheart

2009 September 26

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Another anniversary today darling. 10months today since you were taken away from me. I miss you more and more as the endless days go by darling. Everything seems so pointless now that I no longer have you to share my life with. My whole life revolved around you Wend. You were the most important thing in my life. I still cry every day my love. I wonder if these tears will ever cease. I am so lonely without you. I so hate waking up alone every morning. I will never understand why you were taken so soon sweetheart. We were just starting our married life together. Why did God take you from me ? Why couldnt we have grown old together ? I long for the day I can be with you again. I just hope and pray I dont have to wait too long darling. I love you today, tomorrow, always my darling girl. Your husband, Ian XXX
