Our Anniversary

2009 October 21

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Today would have been our 3rd anniversary darling. This time last year we were waking up in the Ritz Hotel after a night at the theatre and spoiling ourselves on our 2nd anniversary. Now I will spend the rest of all the anniversaries to come on my own. I so miss going out to buy you a card and present and flowers, and surprising you with a trip somewhere to celebrate. I lay in bed last night trying to sleep and just kept going over and over the unfairness of it all in my head. Whatever happened to us growing old together sweetheart ? We had the world at our feet and then it was all snatched so cruelly away. I will buy you flowers today darling and put them indoors and I shall put red roses by your tree. I hope you can see them darling. And I hope you can feel my love reaching out to you. I love and miss you so much my beautiful girl. You will forever be in my heart darling. Your husband, Ian XXX
