Valentines' Day

2010 February 14

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Happy Valentines' Day darling. How I wish you were still here to celebrate it with me. I miss buying a card and present for you today sweetheart, but I have bought you a big bouquet which is in the lounge, and I have put some roses on your tree my love. I hope wherever you are darling, you can see them. It is days like this that bring it home to me how much I miss you Wend. I miss you every single day, but days like this have an added poignancy. I remember some of our more memorable Valentines' Days darling. When you took me for a Valentines' dinner on the Orient Express, and the following year I took you for a dinner cruise on the Thames. We were so in love darling, right to the end. I hope you can feel my love reaching out to you today my love. You know you are always in my heart and soul. Stay close to me my darling Wend. All my love sweetheart, Your husband, Ian XXXXX
