I love you so much Wend

2010 November 26

Created by Ian 13 years ago
Another day of tears darling. Two years ago today you were taken from our lives my love. Twenty four months, seven hundred and thirty days since I held you in my arms and kissed you for the last time. Our lives changed forever that evening Wend and we can never be the same again. Where has the time gone ? I can still remember that last evening together so vividly. I hope one day the happy memories we had will blot out the sad ones my love. We had more happy times than sad. You were and always will be everything to me darling. My life is so empty now darling. Everything seems so pointless. My life will never be the same again but I will keep my last promise to you Wend, to look after the children and grandchildren. They are the last link to you my love. I long for the day that these tears will end and I will be in your arms once again. Then I will be truly happy once more. Please wait for me my darling Wend. I love and miss you so so much. Your loving husband, Ian XXXXX
