Mother's Day 2011

2011 April 03

Created by Ian 13 years ago
Hello my darling Wend and also today my dear Mum, Today is Mother’s Day, a special day for both of you and a day you will both be in so many minds and hearts. Mum, I feel so cheated that I can no longer go out and buy you a card or present on this special day. I go into card shops and see all the Mother’s Day cards and know that I can no longer send you one, or call in on you on this day. I remember the days that Wend and I took you out to lunch on Mother’s Day, especially the one when we all went to the Anglers by the river at Egham. Thank you for being my Mum. For giving me life, for keeping me on the straight and narrow, for loving me and caring about me, and for being my ‘rock’, especially after my darling Wend was taken away. You were always there for me, to listen to my tears and broken heart and when I visited you, to comfort me. I know you were tired Mum and it was time for you to go back to be with Dad again, but I miss you so much. I miss our daily phone calls. I still think I must ring Mum and tell her so and so…….but I can’t because you’re not there any more. I love and miss you so much Mum. Wend, today is a special day for you as well because you were one of the best Mums of all. You gave so much of yourself so unselfishly, to bring up Matt and Sarah alone. You went without so much in your life to make sure they were always provided for and to ensure that they never went without. You were a fantastic mother darling and both Matt and Sarah know that and will never forget you. I love and miss you both so much darling. Please give my dear Mum a kiss and cuddle from me. You will both be in my heart and mind until the day we can all be together once again. I love you darling, your loving husband, Ian XXXXX
