The start of another year of loneliness and emptiness darling. The beginning of the 4th year I have had to spend here without you. Already, as I type these words, the tears have come again. I know it would hurt you to see me like this Wend, but it because I love and miss you so much that I still cry. Words are so inadequate to express the love I still have for you my darling, but if you could feel the pain inside of me, you would feel the love that I hold there for you my darling. I wish I had some purpose in life now darling, or sense of direction, but I just feel like I am letting life drift by me and counting the days until I can be with you once again. I will never understand why God took you from us all Wend. We had just started our lives together. What did we do to deserve this ? Why did He take you from your family, friends and all the people who loved you so much ? Why did he take you from me ? This world and my life are so much sadder and greyer now. There is a gap in my heart that will only be filled when I am in your arms once again my darling.
Until that day, I shall cherish and protect my love for you so that I can bring it home to you once again.
I miss you with all my heart my darling Wend.
Your loving husband, Ian xxxxxx