One Single Life.
On 18th January 1952, a little girl was born to Roy and Bobby Matthews.
A little girl who would grow from a shy, awkward child into a beautiful woman and bring two children of her own into the world.
The same little girl who through no fault of her own, would go through many hard times, and many years of struggle and loneliness.
This little girl brought so many gifts into the world. Kindness, loyalty, friendship, honesty, compassion, but most of all LOVE. She would affect so many people’s lives.
Forty seven years later, I was lucky enough to meet that beautiful woman.
She changed my life forever. She was my night and day, my sun and moon, she truly was my life. All I ever wanted was to love and care for her and to make her happy and to try and give her all the things she had missed out on during her years alone.
All I wanted in return was to see her beautiful smile and her sparkling blue eyes. Her happiness was all that mattered to me.
Today would have been her 60th birthday, but God decided to take her back to Himself and left me here alone without her. My life will never be the same again.
Before she left us, she asked me to care for her children and I promised I would. I am so proud she asked me. I will never break that promise and will always be here for them whatever the future holds.
So my darling, although you are not here with us to celebrate your birthday today, we will all be together as a family in love and memory of you Wend. There isn’t a day that passes that I don’t think of you sweetheart and feel the ache of loss and emptiness. But you will always be in my heart my darling girl.
I will love you forever Wend. Your loving husband, Ian XXXXX