My first birthday without you

2009 November 10

Created by Ian 14 years ago
Well today is my birthday darling, and it is the first one in 10 years that I haven't spent with you. You always made my birthday such a special day sweetheart. Birthday cards and pressies in bed in the morning, then usually taken out for dinner in the evening. Last year you took me to our favourite Chinese restaurant for a birthday meal. We had our photo taken during the meal darling,you with a beautiful smile on your face and me with my arms around you. How could any of us have known that 17 days later you would be taken from us. When I look at the photo now, I can see that you were getting tired darling after fighting the cancer for so long. I so wish I could have taken it away from you darling. I would have given my last breath for you. My birthdays will never be the same again my love now that I have to spend them without you by my side. I love and miss you so so much darling. Please stay close to me. Your loving husband, Ian XXXX
